Submitting Product Ideas & Feedback

How to submit product feedback, ideas, & requests. And how we handled & process requests.

Last published on: July 27th, 2024

OpenMethods is a powerful and feature-rich product. We receive a lot of product feedback, requests, suggestions, and ideas from our customers.


With limited resources and a focused product roadmap, we have to decide what we work on based on both the value it delivers and the number of users it benefits. Unfortunately, this means sometimes we have to make tough decisions.


Submitting a Feature Request or Idea

Tips for Submitting a Good Feature Request

  • Say what the problem is you are trying to solve.
  • Please describe why you need it.
  • Provide real-world examples where possible.
  • Include screenshots or other illustrations with your request.


Ready to share an idea?

Submit an Idea


How We Handle Feature Requests?


  • We regularly inspect ideas & requests as part of our product planning.
  • Due to the volume of requests we receive, it is not always possible to respond to every submission individually.
  • We can't provide ETAs for individual feature requests.