EOL Announcement

Learn the details of the end-of-life announcement and timelines for the API Endpoint.

Last published on: March 10th, 2023

EOL Announcement: API Endpoint.

OpenMethods announces End-of-Life (EOL) of API Endpoint. 

The milestone events, descriptions, and dates for these affected products are shown below. Customers with active agreements will continue to receive support from OpenMethods in accordance with the End-of-Life (EOL) and product migration milestones outlined below. 

Affected Customers

This EOL announcement is relevant for customers using OpenMethods the following URL within their OpenMethods configurations and setups.

End-of-life milestones

Milestone Definition Date

End-of-Life (EOL) Announcement Date

The date the document that announces the end-of-sale and end-of-life of a product is distributed to the general public. March 10th, 2023
End-of-Support (EOS) Date The last date to receive applicable service and support for the product. After this date, all support services for the product are unavailable, and the product becomes obsolete. A migration to the GA Version is required. November 1st, 2023

Product Migration Options

Clients using can migrate to the newer standard as listed in the following help center article.

New Connect API Settings

For more information

For more information please reach the End-of-Life Policy

Customer Usage

Please note that the announcement of EOL and EOS do not abdicate customer commitments associated with contract terms.