External IdP Configuration - PingOne OIDC

This article explores how to configure PingOne as an External Identity Provider (IdP) using OpenID Connect (OIDC). Learn how to integrate PingOne with your application for seamless authentication and user management.

Last published on: August 13th, 2024


Add Application

  • Application → Click + sign.
  • Enter Application Name - The suggested Name is OpenMethods-SSO-OIDC
  • Enter Description.
  • Click Application Type OIDC Web App 
  • Click the Save button.


Edit configuration

Attribute Mappings

  • Add the following custom attributes, which will be included in the response token.
    • sub - User ID
    • email - Email Address
    • firstname - Given Name
    • lastname - Family Name

Copy the Required values

  • Please copy the following values and paste them temporarily into a notepad. These values will be used in the OpenMethods Experience Cloud SSO configuration page.
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • Environment ID
  • Replace the Environment ID with the following URLs,, which will be used in the OpenMethods Experience Designer SSO configuration.
    • Authorization Endpoint - https://auth.pingone.com/<Environment ID>/as/authorize
    • Token Endpoint - https://auth.pingone.com/<EnvironmentID>/as/token

Assign Users

To allow users to access the Application

  • It is recommended to create a new group and assign the users who will need the OpenMethods access and then assign the group to the Application.
  • If no group is assigned to the Application then, be default, all the users will have access the Application.


  • In the Overview page, Click Directory on the left side navigations section
  • Click Groups
  • Click + sign to add a new Group.
  • Enter new Group Name - suggested Name is OM_ACCESS.
  • Assign users to the Group.
  • Click Users tab and Add Users by using Add Individually or Add with a Filter option.
  • Open the Application and click the Access tab.
  • Click the Edit icon.
  • Select the Group from the group list.

Enable Application

  • To enable the application to be used, click the radio button at the top right of the page, as highlighted in the image, to allow the application to be in use.