Media Bar Login & Logout (NICE inContact)

Harmony Media Bar Login & Logout information for the NICE inContact Integration

Last published at: June 9th, 2022

Integration Specific 

The information in this article pertains to NICE inContact & Harmony Integrations only.

Media Bar Login

  • The username is in the email format.
  • Password is not necessary for agent login. 
    • Media Bar does not show the password box.
Recommended steps to log in:
  • Login to the MAX.
  • Choose "Integrated Softphone" as Voice Connection.
    • Select the "Remember Me" check box. 
    • Connect the Agent Leg.
  • Login to the Media Bar.
    • Then changes the status to Available to receive Interactions.
  • It is okay to log in to Media Bar first and then MAX. Sync between Harmony Media Bar and MAX is made simple.

  • Easy synchronization
    • The agent is already logged in to the MAX and handling a phone call, then if he logs into the media bar, Media Bar will show the current interaction. The agent is handling a phone call in the Media Bar, and he accidentally closes the browser or logout from the Media Bar, He can still continue the call from MAX and he can log back into the Media Bar to continue the phone call.

Login Sequence Diagram

For a quick view at how session are created, please view the following diagram.

Agent Leg Connect


Auto-Accept & Agent Leg

Auto-Accept is setting within the MAX NICE inContact. For more information on the setting please visit here.

If the "Auto-Accept" is disabled/off.  Before or After Login into the Media Bar, the Agent has to log in to the MAX and connect the Agent Leg. (Please follow the information in the Agent Leg Connect section below.)

For Agents with "Auto-Accept" Enabled/On - Please skip the Agent Leg Connect section. Calls will automatically connect the media bar connection.

  • The agent cannot 'Connect the Agent Leg' from the Media Bar. Currently, it is not supported.
  • After the Media Bar login, if the Media Bar shows the INACTIVE status in the AGENT LEG section, then the agent has to Connect to the Agent Leg from the MAX as shown in the MAX screenshot.
  • If the Agent's leg is not connected, and agent status is available, InContact routes the contacts (Interactions) to the Agent. Media Bar will show the popup as a 'Connecting Agent Leg'  message, the agent has to click the "Accept" button in the MAX to handle the phone call.

  • Once AGENT LEG is connected. Media Bar shows an ACTIVE label in the Agent Leg section and Disconnect button.

Agent Leg Disconnect

Agent Leg - Connected StatusAgent Leg - Connected Status The agent can disconnect the Agent Leg from the Media Bar by clicking the Disconnect button located in the AGENT LEG section.

Media Bar Logout

  • When an agent logs out from the Media Bar, MAX will also be logged out automatically. Not vice versa.
  • If the agent is handling an Interaction, and log out from the Media Bar, MAX will stay as it is.
    • However, It is not recommended to log out from the Media Bar while handling an interaction. 
    • Complete the Interaction and the logout if the agent finishes shift for that day.

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