Import & Exporting Workflows

A quick guide to exporting workflows with or without child workflows, as well as importing workflows into your designer.

Last published on: January 26th, 2023

Let's tackle how to Import or Export PopFlow WorkFlows into Experience Designer.


Note: Importing and Exporting workflows will focus on the selected “Instance”.

To import workflows into another instance, please ensure you have the “target” instance selected.

Exporting and Re-Importing a workflow will automatically add the workflow into the current “filtered” event view by design.



Moving Event:

Search for the workflow you wish to move. You can do this easily by ensuring the filter lists “All” and use the search functionality.

Example of searching for workflow


Locate the workflow & select Edit:


Select new location for event trigger & save. The workflow will not be listed under the newly selected trigger event.



There are two options for exporting your existing workflows.

  1. Export with child workflows: Exports the complete workflow and any workflow listed within the workflow.
  2. Export a single workflow: Exports a single workflow, regardless of any linked child workflows. 

PopFlow Workflows will save as a “.pfwf” extension.


With Child Workflows: 

🎉 You can now Export with “Child” Workflows. 

  •  Note: 
    • To export “child” workflows, the linked workflows must be in an “published” state. Any “unpublished” child workflow will not be exported.


  • Select the right of the “Design” button for the workflow you wish to export.


  • Select the “Export w/ Child Workflows” option.
  • The workflow will be downloaded with any “linked” workflow.
  • Note: the PopFlow Workflow will save as a single file, even though multiple workflows (childs) are associated.


Without Child Workflows:

  • Use the same steps above and select the “Export” option: and can be used regardless of published or unpublished workflow.



To import workflows into your designer:


  1. Select Import
  2. Choose the local location of “.pfwf” file.
  3. IF you import a single popflow without child workflows, your import will not be listed among your PopFlow workflows. 


Duplications will present:

Importing a single existing workflow


PopFlows with child WorkFlows:

Example of importing with Child/Linked workflows


If you re-import an already existing workflow, the workflow will automatically be renamed:

  • Name of Workflow (Copy#) : 
    • Desktop Notification Test (2)



Be sure and filter for Events "All" and use the search functionality to find your newly imported PopFlow.