Media Bar Controls (NICE inContact)

Learn about the various Media Bar control for the NICE inContact Integration

Last published on: July 27th, 2024

Integration Specific 

The information in this article pertains to NICE inContact & Harmony Integrations only.



Address Book 

OpenMethods Quick Dial feature is not used in the Address Book.

Media Bar's native Dial Pad is replaced with InContact's Address Book. If a customer has a Quick Dial list, it should be configured in the InContact's Address book.

  • Skills - To make a call to Queue.
  • Agents -> Team Name -> Agent Name - to make a consult call to another agent.
  • External - to make a call to an external number.


  • All the members of my team will be displayed.
  • The search text box is located at the top of the Address Book.
    • We can search for contacts from the address book by typing a phone number, name, or skill.
    • We can enter a number not available from the address book and dial.



Media Bar Views

Main View Agent Team View Agent under Team View Skills View External Address


Media Bar Controls

Function Information
Inbound Call
  • An agent receives inbound calls from a skill or another agent.
  • Calls routed from a Skill are auto-answered.
  • Calls from another agent should be manually answered by clicking the Answer button.
    • The agent may choose to Reject the call.


Outbound Call

  • Making outbound calls to an Agent is not supported. * API limitation.
    • However, the agent can use MAX to make an outbound call to an agent extension and continue to handle it from the Media Bar.
  • Making outbound calls to a skill or external number is supported.


Consult Call

  • Warm Transfer is supported. 
    • An agent can make a consult call to another agent.
    • Can do a consult conference.
    • While on the Consult call, the agent can alternate the call between another agent and the customer.
    • Can do the consult transfer (Warm Transfer).
  • InContact does not support cold (Blind) Transfer.


Call Masking

Hiding Recording Buttons in the Media Bar 

The recording buttons are displayed by default in the Harmony Media Bar.


You can hide the recording buttons by turning off "masking" within the NICE Security Profile Permissions Tab: Agent Permissions. Please see the following article and ensure masking is not enabled and unchecked. 


Note: This does not "disable" masking via native NICE API Calls or OpenMethods PopFlows. 



Start Recordings




The agent may start the call recording by clicking the "Start Call Recording" button. After the recording is activated, the recording will be stopped when the Interaction ends.


Pause/Resume Recording


  • The agent may pause the recording by clicking the "Pause Call Recording" button.
  • Paused recording can be resumed by clicking the "Resume Call Recording" button.






new "Launch" functionExample Launch Feature

You can now utilize your NICE Scripts by clicking the "Launch" button on the Harmony Media Bar. The Launch feature emulates the NICE Max Agent Softphone's functionality. It allows users to call scripts or perform actions from within NICE InContact.




Launch Steps:


  1. Click the Rocket icon.
  2. Select “Script/Item”
  3. Click “Launch”



💡After execution, a voice prompt will state the name of the item, for example, “You have pressed Launch 1.”

Launch Sequence